A message from our Artistic Director, Scott Hamlin:

For this next season with the Longmont Chorale, I have the privilege once again of directing our auditioned group, The Chorale Singers.
The scheduled concerts for this next season show what promises to be a very enjoyable year of singing together! This year we will once again join with the Longmont Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Elliot Moore, for the LSO’s Candlelight Concert. This concert features Franz Schubert’s beautiful Mass No. 2 in G Major and other carols from around the world, all accompanied by chamber orchestra.

At present there are a few openings to join the Chorale Singers, (men are especially needed), so I would like to open up auditions once again.
If you are interested or have more questions, please contact me.
Please email me to set up your audition time.  My email address is in my signature at the bottom of this message.
If you are a woman reading this, please get the word out to any basses or tenors you know.
Also, we can always use more male singers in the big group to help balance out our sound.

I would like to have auditions on Monday, August 13th, from 6:00 – 9:00 pm at Faith Community Lutheran Church on Highway 66 in Longmont. Each audition should take no more than 15 minutes. Please park in the front, enter through the two double doors and wait in the lobby until asked to audition.

Read more: https://www.longmontchorale.org/chorale-singers-auditions-aug-13/


The Longmont Chorale is a nonprofit Longmont choral group, an SATB choir which performs four major concerts in Longmont each season.  Concert tickets and information are both available at LongmontChorale.org/Tickets.

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